Monday 23 March 2009

The Globalization era is over?

Several years ago I could not stop getting more and more amazed about how global world is getting.

I was constantly surrounded by people from all over the world, my friends and colleagues were flying forth back (I used to have 3-4 flights monthly myself), everybody seemed to know everybody, the same brands were being sold in any city I would arrive. Sometimes coming to a new city I would not notice any change: the same mix of products, languages, people, companies.

Although the virtual globalization continues to expand through networking, videoconferencing, Internet of things, "linked data" and so on, the physical world gets more and more local in the times of downturn.

Right, companies are trying to implement shorter supply chains, switch from outsourcing to insourcing (e.g., Lego moving their factories back to Denmark, Renault - back to France), companies are getting more conscious about travel budgets: they are exploring local talents instead of bringing overseas consultants, etc, etc.

What do you think? Is this Localization vs. Globalization temporary due to current economical situation? Or that is something companies will have to stick to for a longer period?


  1. I think, that the world will be move to globalization anyway, but due to current economic slowdown, these processes are paused and sometimes being undone. Much bigger problems are seeing in macro-sector, many countries are trying to protect their markets and so unintentionally make everything even worse. It is a problem to discuss. Hope we will see your ideas about it.

  2. Thanks for your insight, Denis!

    I will definitely be blogging more on this.. as soon as get over my work routine..
